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    OceanstateRP Civilian Department

  • Mission Statement

    The Civilian Department was designed around one central idea - common sense. Everyone has real-world knowledge on how to be a civilian, so our documentation works on translating that knowledge into San Andreas in a manner that allows for realistic roleplay while providing maximum enjoyment for all departments within the community.

    Because of the nature of FiveM roleplay, we have to set limits on what can and cannot be roleplayed by members of the community. It is the job of the Civilian Department to ensure that San Andreas comes to life in a manner that all can enjoy and participate in at the level they wish to do so.

  • Department Members

    • James M. Civ-151
    • Andrew W. Civ-07
    • Johnny P. Civ-150
    • Jack C. Civ-50
    • Jeff C. Civ-150
  • Civ_Logo.png.fd8bc3d7cf084f4ea109dbe13103dd71.png

    Join the Civilian Department!
    Recruit - OPEN
    Reserve - OPEN
    Transfer - OPEN

    Apply Now

  • Department Administration

    Civilian Director - Vacant
    Civilian Deputy Director - Vacant
    Civilian Assistant Director - Vacant

    Department Senior Staff

    Civilian Manager
    Civilian Assistant Manager

    Department Staff

    Civilian Supervisor
    Civilian Assistant Supervisor

    Department Staff in Training

    Civilian Advisor

    Department Membership

    Senior Civilian
    Probationary Civilian

    Reserve Operations

    Civilian Reserve
    Probationary Civilian Reserve

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